The Captain Davis House

Update from Woods Hole Community Association on the Captain Davis House

Friday, January 31, 2025

Hello friends, here’s an update.

Today, representatives of the Community Association and the Woods Hole Foundation met with representatives of GBH to discuss a potential future for WCAI at the Captain Davis House.

Last week the Community Association Board formally extended the offer to allow GBH to stay on at the Captain Davis House for five years rent free. Additionally, the Community Association offered to address any issues with the building that might prevent WCAI from continuing in the building.

Today, GBH declined both these offers and re-stated its intention to move WCAI from its historic home. GBH said it continues to look for an alternative site for WCAI that will support its local news and information mission.

From the beginning of its involvement, the Community Association has made it clear that its first choice is to keep WCAI in the Captain Davis House, in the midst of the village, and to remove any obstacles that would prevent WCAI from staying. 

The Community Association remains committed to be a collegial and supportive landlord to WCAI, while their search and the process of moving plays out, over an expected period of nine months. At this time the Community Association has no plans pending for the building that would prevent GBH from reconsidering its choice or extending its tenancy.

What’s next?

The enormous effort and generous community outpouring that made it possible to purchase the Captain Davis House should not be lost in this and will be celebrated. No matter the final outcome, we believe the Captain Davis House will be a landmark resource in the village for generations to come.

What will happen in the Captain Davis House when GBH takes WCAI elsewhere? The answer to that will be determined by the community, through discussions and a public visioning process. We will be in touch to let you know when we start that process so that we can incorporate as much input as possible.  

But for now, WCAI will remain in the building as a tenant, until at least September.

Thank you for your patience and belief during this challenging process. Further updates will come, as we have them.



UPDATE, January 16


The Woods Hole Community Association celebrates the purchase of the historic Captain Davis House at 3 Water St, Woods Hole on January 16, 2025.

More than 350 donors joined together to raise the $1.8 million purchase price. It has truly been a community accomplishment.

The Captain Davis House now joins the other historic buildings under Community Association stewardship—buildings that include the Community Hall, the Old Fire Station, and the Woods Hole School. All of these buildings currently enjoy a vibrant use that benefits the entire community, which wouldn’t be possible without support from the village and beyond.

While there are too many contributors to thank in an initial announcement, and many who wish to remain anonymous, the Woods Hole Community Association nonetheless particularly extends its gratitude to:

·      The initial buyer of the property, who generously set aside personal interest and made possible this significant enhancement of the village.

·      WGBH Educational Foundation, who owned the building previously and partnered in making this sale possible.

 ·     The Woods Hole Foundation, who matched the Community Association’s initial funding commitment and then again stepped in to make sure the sale could be completed.

·      Everyone who raised their voice to believe that the community could make this happen!

The Woods Hole Community Association understands that WGBH is looking for a new home for WCAI. We hope that WGBH will take the time to thoroughly consider the value of staying in the Captain Davis House under Community Association ownership.

Whatever the final outcome, we envision the Captain Davis House as providing a key element to the unique mix of Woods Hole village: amid the world-class science institutions and colorful local businesses, the Captain Davis House can now continue to be a home to creative endeavors that reach outward into the world and enrich the widest possible community.

Today we celebrate!


Hello Friends of Woods Hole,

Here’s an update on our progress toward reaching the goal of purchasing the historic Captain Davis House. 

The response has been tremendous, THANK YOU! We have received more than 150 individual pledges of all sizes. 

We are still short of our goal as the Friday, January 10, deadline nears – that’s tomorrow.

If you have yet to pledge, we need your support now!

Know a friend or family member who loves Woods Hole?  Ask if they’ve supported the Community Association’s purchase of the building – and forward this email.  Help spread the word.

Background about the importance of the Captain Davis House and the community effort is at our website.

A pledge form that can be returned via email is attached. Please be in touch if you have any questions.

Together we can make this happen, but we need to act today.

With gratitude,

Catherine —

Like the other buildings held by the Community Association — the Community Hall, the Old Fire Station, and the Woods Hole School — the historic Captain Davis House can provide a lasting legacy for future generations, but only if we join together, and only if we act now.

Update, January 6

Dear Friends of Woods Hole,

As many of you know, the Community Association would like to purchase the Captain Davis House, which stands at the head of the village, between the library and the lawn opposite Pie in the Sky bakery. The historic building is the current home of WCAI, the local public radio station.

If we can finalize the financing in a very short window of time, we have the chance to purchase the property. Our target date for closing this window is the end of this week, Friday, January 10.

Many of you have already pledged financial support to this effort.  Thank you.

As of two days ago, we still needed $341,000.  At a special meeting yesterday, the board of the Community Association voted to increase its contribution to the purchase by an additional $75,000. This lowers the remainder now needed to $266,000.

In total, the Community Association has pledged $375,000 toward the purchase of the building. 

We are asking our fellow community members, organizations, and those who love Woods Hole to help preserve this historic building for all of Woods Hole.

Make a pledge now, if you can.

Increase your current pledge, if possible.  

Help us spread the word to others who may be able to contribute.

Like the other buildings held by the Community Association — the Community Hall, the Old Fire Station, and the Woods Hole School — the historic Captain Davis House can provide a lasting legacy for future generations, but only if we join together, and only if we act now.

A pledge form that can be returned can be downloaded here.

Please be in touch if you have any questions — and direct all email to:

Thank you.

Catherine Bumpus

What happened

On Friday, October 25, 2024, WCAI employees were told that WGBH had entered into an agreement to sell the historic Captain Davis House at 3 Water Street in Woods Hole. This location has been the home of WCAI since the radio station went on the air in 2000.

Before WGBH purchased it in 2009, the building was owned briefly by the Children’s School of Science. For many years before that, it housed the Job Shop, a local printing business.

For decades, this signature historic building at the head of Water Street has been home to a vibrant commercial space that brings value to the village. To lose it as such a space would be damaging to the life of the village.

Each of the few historic buildings along Water Street is a resource that, once taken into private use, can not be replaced.

Update, Nov 10, 9:30am

We wanted to update everyone on recent developments regarding the Captain Davis House at 3 Water Street, but first wanted to give you all a big thanks for all your emails and pledges of support. It’s greatly encouraging to live in a community that pulls together and clearly cares.

You have made a big difference!

We are pleased by WGBH Board Chair Susan Goldberg’s recent letter, which many of you received, as it opens up possibilities for the property and the community.

Please know that we are working with all interested parties to fully restore trust and keep lines of communication open.

We will update you as new developments occur. 

Join the cause: make a pledge

Purchasing the historic Captain Davis House for Woods Hole will take money. We are asking for signed pledges of financial support. For legal reasons, we need these to be communicated as a signed pdf file.

Here’s the link to the pdf form for making a pledge.

Please return the form to:

The Woods Hole Community Association Board of Trustees has voted to start this campaign with a pledged contribution of $300,000.

Fulfillment of all pledges is conditional upon the Community Association purchasing the building. Without a purchase, no money is collected.

Thank you!

What is the Woods Hole Community Association proposing?

The Community Association has voted to put up $300,000 of its own money to start a campaign to buy the Captain Davis house. It’s a little bit of a far-fetched idea: that the community can raise the $1.9 million to buy this building, and that WGBH would even pause in the sale process long enough to allow the community a chance at it. But jeez. We should try, right? Enough people love Woods Hole, and enough people believe in the public radio station. So… here’s our pitch:

Captain Davis House in Woods Hole: What is it, and why should the community work to save it?

Why is the property significant?

The historic Captain Davis House stands at the head of Woods Hole village, between the public library and a favorite open lawn for gathering. Since 2000, it has housed the public radio station WCAI, a service of WGBH. Originally built in 1840, the structure was given a historic renovation in 2009, using $267,000 in Community Preservation funds, and supported by community donations. As an historic, commercial structure on Water Street, it has long provided cultural value to village life.

What is the problem/situation?

WGBH owns the building and asserts that WCAI has had a budget shortfall necessitating the sale of the building and the move of WCAI to an as-yet unknown location. The community was not notified of the sale beforehand. The sale, to a private commercial buyer, would mean that yet another historic building in Woods Hole – with adjacent public lawn and gathering space – is removed from the community.

What is the proposed solution? What would the Community Benefits be?

We propose that through donations the Woods Hole Community Association funds becoming the buyer of the building. This solution would allow the community to retain the building in perpetuity and to make certain that whomever the tenant may be, the building remains able to benefit the community directly.

How will the property be utilized/maintained after the purchase? (Plan A/Plan B)

Our first choice would be for WCAI to remain the tenant, bringing to the community the value of a vibrant, award-winning public radio station renowned for its innovative programming. Understanding that we can’t simply count on WGBH, we propose also identifying and developing a tenancy that provides a cultural value to the village, and whose operations can be made feasible by a reasonable rent.

Why is WHCA the right organization to do this?

The Woods Hole Community Association, by definition, represents the community and its related interests. The WHCA has a long history of owning and operating historic buildings within the village and making them available for the widest possible community uses. The Community Hall, which we own, the Old Fire Station, and the School, which we operate, all represent that model, each enhancing the life of community.

Woods Hole Community Association is a not- for-profit, tax-exempt organization under the provisions of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The federal tax identification number is 04-6075697. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

What will happen if WHCA doesn’t do this?

The library will be cut off farther from the village, with a loss of access from the Pie hill. Part of the public lawn will become private property, and commercial use could lead to increased automobile traffic. The historic Davis House will no longer be publicly accessible. A public good will be replaced by a private, profit-driven business.

Each of the few historic buildings along Water Street is a resource that, once taken into private use, cannot be replaced

This page has been modified from its original content as of January 8, 2025, to reflect the latest information.

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